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Thursday, July 23, 2009

What A Gip :<(

This is just a short post, because I really just wanted to show a video that has been a big inspiration to me lately and has really got me excited about the future of CS.

The video is at the "ART && CODE Symposium" which was held at Carnegie Mellon for the first time this year (interestingly enough, also the same school where Jane Margolis did her research, and where many of her ideas are being implemented).

This guy, _why the lucky stiff (I don't think anyone actually knows his real name), is kind of this mysterious artist/programmer in the ruby programming language community. He's most well known for Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby, which I think is the most awesome, inspiring, creative programming book you can read. The guy is also incredibly funny and engaging, so hopefully the video will appeal to people without any programming experience.

The ART && CODE Symposium, to me, is a clear sign of an idea that is coagulating within the field. It's this idea that we need to recognize computer science as a cultural entity, and one that has implications for the work we do with computers. There's been this notion ingrained in the culture as it stands that we make software with the primary goal of making money and the secondary, sometimes optional goal, of creating a useful tool. As _why notes in this video, just look at our books. It's near impossible to find a programming book that isn't 600 pages of bound dead tree on how to make your very own e-commerce site. It's totally exciting to finally hear someone say "maybe people can just program as a mind expanding experience". I'm really hoping this becomes something more than a fringe idea in the future and something the community comes to embrace.

ART && CODE Symposium: Hackety Hack, why the lucky stiff from STUDIO for Creative Inquiry on Vimeo.


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